MIPI Tester Plus  1.13

  • 1. Remove the function of automatically setting voltage and BUFF according to IC type, and VIO is unified to 1.2V
  • 2. Add a check box for whether to automatically backup UserData
  • 3. Add the inability to recognize GPT files without 0XEF data type
  • 4. Repair the problem that TXT does not recognize the preloader file of LUN1
  • 5. Modify the CYUSB delay to 3 seconds (1 second is too short and sometimes causes IC initialization failure)
  • 6. Generate GPT data on the Flash page. This function can only be used in TXT type flashing packages. After checking the function of generating GPT data, when selecting a TXT type flashing package file, the GPT data will be written to the corresponding address space. This function will not be used at other times

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